
Payments We Accept

When placing an order online you may use the following payment methods: American Express, MasterCard, Visa, debit cards and PayPal with the MasterCard or Visa logo. We cannot accept checks, cash, money orders or COD as payment.

What currency is used on this site?

All orders are calculated in Australian Dollars (AUD). 

What should I do if my credit card has been declined?

If your credit card has been declined, it's best to talk to your local bank. If they can't help you please contact us. 


Is it safe to enter my credit card details online?

Any of our pages which require you to enter personal details are encrypted using Secure Socket Layering (SSL) technology, which protects the information as it is sent to us from your computer. Any page which is secured with SSL can be identified by checking the URL. If it says ‘https’ rather than the standard ‘http’ then it is a secure webpage. This system is used by all reputable online shopping sites. In the event of unauthorised use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures. 

Can I pay using PayPal?

Yes. We are able to offer purchase with PayPal.

Buy now, pay later option

Furniture Kings is fully integrated with Afterpay, Zippay & Humm!  Shop as usual and then choose Afterpay, Zippay or Humm as your payment method at checkout. First-time customers just need to complete a quick registration. Returning customers simply log in. Too easy!

Best of all, it is interest free. Shop with Furniture Kings, buy now and pay later... 100% interest free